As a person and teacher, Camila is fantastic

Agrees Mary Green, Educational Opportunities Coordinator, Boulder Housing Partners: “Ninety percent of the people we serve speak Spanish at home, so a lot of us here speak Spanish at least at some level – and we support those who don’t. Through an anonymous donor, The Community Foundation helps us to expand our Spanish-speaking capacity.

“While I studied Spanish in the past, I wasn’t able to speak or communicate. Unlike a lot of Spanish classes that are writing- and grammar-based, Camila’s approach is based in reality. We talk about what we do at work, and we’re gaining confidence to immediately and directly apply our new Spanish skills.

“As a person and as a teacher, Camila is fantastic. The curriculum she’s put together is really, really great. We don’t just do dialogues and answer questions – we talk about politics and we express our opinions. We kind of look at the whole picture – in Spanish.”

— Mary Agnes Green, Boulder Housing Partners

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